Wedding package

Below you will see our pre tailored packages, but we are happy to tailor a package together with you, to find exactly what you request and would like to have at your wedding reception.
Our lovely party venues offer great possibilities to modify the wedding reception and the dinner.


• Welcoming drink (alcohol free) with snack tray or strawberries.
• Wedding dinner (entry, main course, wedding cake and coffee)
• Exclusive rights to the room
Alcohol free drinks, served throughout the dinner, are included in the price.
Cost for alcoholic beverages is not included in the price.


• Welcoming drink (sparkling wine) with snack tray or strawberries.
• Wedding dinner (entry, main course, wedding cake and coffee)
• Exclusive rights to the room
Wine/beer/sodas/dessert wine is included and a refill is included with the main course.

Further details
Wedding coordinator is available during the entire planning stage. Linen table cloths/linen napkins, candles and a smaller, but decorative, table piece is included. Technical equipment as projector with loudspeakers and a good stereo is available.
Every wedding and wedding couple are unique, so together with the wedding couple we will arrange a packet to suit your specific needs.